New rink links

Weather report graphic shows 12C forecast for January 13, 2013 in Toronto
This is not skating weather.

I was so happy with the snowy, frosty, freezy weather we were having. Now three warm days have melted everything and it feels like we've skipped a few months in the calendar.

So instead of actually skating, I'm updating the Rink Links. Here are some new ones:

(Source: Lifehacker, Jan. 4, 2013)
For anyone who lives where it actually stays cold in the winter.

(Source: CBC)
The winning rink is impressive!

(Source: Shops at Don Mills)
A new possibility for the Great Skate location list.

(Source: CBC)
I heard these lectures on the radio last year. There's a section about how ice skating in the 1800s came to be an approved activity that encourage flirtation and also allowed the working classes to experience some social mobility.

Skating on the Don River in 1910
(Source: Tonight Newspaper)
This archival photo shows dozens of skaters enjoying themselves on the frozen Don River, just north of Gerrard Street. What a difference a century makes.


Popular Great Skates

Great Skate #21 - Greenwood Park (renovated)

Great Skate #7 - Ryerson Community Park

Great Skate #34: Love Crescent Parkette

Great Skate #1 - Barbara Ann Scott Rink

Great Skate #33: Gage Park, Brampton